Chlorine Dioxide vs Silver Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide: Why ClO2 is More Effective for Water Treatment

Chlorine Dioxide vs Silver Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide

Water treatment plays a critical role in ensuring water is safe to use and consume. Various water treatment solutions are available, but two of the most popular ones are Chlorine Dioxide and Silver Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide. While both solutions have their benefits, Chlorine Dioxide is generally considered the more effective water treatment solution. This article…

Hospital Water Safety. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

Remote Monitoring: Ensuring Water Hygiene in Healthcare Facilities

Remote monitoring solutions and secondary disinfection measures are vital in existing and proposed healthcare facilities.  As the detection techniques for microorganisms in water systems and environmental sampling improve, it is crucial to implement effective remote monitoring solutions to ensure the safety of patients and staff.  Newer techniques such as Maldi-TOF and Rapid PCR (qPCR) can…

Biofilm Formation in Drinking Water Treatment Systems : Scotmas.

What is Biofilm And How Can You Prevent It?

Biofilm is a slimy and sticky layer that can be found on various surfaces, including drinking water pipes. It is a complex community of microorganisms that can have harmful effects if not appropriately managed. When biofilm forms in drinking water treatment systems, it can cause problems such as reduced water flow, increased energy consumption, and…

Chemist working in lab. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

Leading the Way in Innovative, Efficient and Safe Chlorine Dioxide Generation Systems

Scotmas has been at the forefront of developing and manufacturing advanced Chlorine Dioxide generation systems for over 25 years.  Chlorine Dioxide is a highly effective disinfectant that has become increasingly popular recently for its ability to kill pathogens without leaving harmful residues. Scotmas provides reliable protection against waterborne pathogens like Legionella and Pseudomonas using advanced…