Chlorine Dioxide: A Game-Changer for Sustainable Arable Farming Practices

Chlorine Dioxide: A Game-Changer for Sustainable Arable Farming Practices

In the modern era of agriculture, the push for sustainable arable farming practices has never been more critical. As the global population continues to grow, the demand for food increases, placing unprecedented pressure on agricultural systems. Farmers are now tasked with producing more food while conserving resources and minimising environmental impact. One technology making significant…

Stephen Pring Joins Scotmas as Partnerships Manager!

Stephen Pring Joins Scotmas as Partnerships Manager

Stephen Pring has joined Scotmas as the new Partnerships Manager. With over 25 years of experience in the water treatment sector and a successful track record worldwide, Stephen’s expertise in developing high-level business relationships remotely while driving growth makes him a valuable addition to the Scotmas team. Stephen has spent 15 years living and working…

Chlorine Dioxide: The Safer and More Effective Biocide for Fish Processing Plants

Cómo las soluciones de dióxido de cloro de Scotmas pueden combatir la contaminación por Listeria

En un informe reciente, la Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AESAN) destacaba un problema preocupante: Listeria monocytogenes en salmón ahumado distribuido por varias regiones de España. Este descubrimiento es un recordatorio crítico de la importancia de contar con métodos de desinfección sólidos en el procesado de alimentos para prevenir la contaminación y garantizar…

Debunking the Myths: The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorine Dioxide in Water Disinfection - Scotmas

Debunking the Myths: The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorine Dioxide in Water Disinfection

In water treatment, the safety and efficacy of various disinfectants are topics of vital importance and ongoing research. Chlorine Dioxide is a disinfectant often featured prominently in discussions, but myths and misconceptions surround it. Here, we aim to clarify these misunderstandings and highlight why many experts consider Chlorine Dioxide among the most effective solutions for…

The Scottish Innovation Wave: Transforming Science and Engineering - Scotmas

The Scottish Innovation Wave: Transforming Science and Engineering

At Scotmas, nestled in the heart of Scotland amidst its rich history and vibrant landscapes, we are writing a new chapter of innovation and excellence in science and engineering.  We’re making waves within our industry and setting an example for other Scottish businesses on how to drive innovation and excel globally. As leaders in environmentally…