Nicola Cameron - Commercial Director, Scotmas

Nicola Cameron

Commercial Director


Nicola is an excellent podcast guest and speaker. She shares valuable insights and expertise on modern business and entrepreneurship, making her an engaging and informative personality to learn from.

Scotmas is a world leader in Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) chemistry and application, boasting over 30 years of experience applying ClO2 to diverse environments and uses.

With over 50 employees across Scotland and worldwide sales and support locations, the company’s technology makes reverse osmosis desalination more accessible to water-stressed, developing world populations.

Recognised as a leader in sustainability and ethical business practices, Scotmas has established long term relationships with Governments and leading bulk water providers around the world to transition water disinfection practices away from legacy gas chlorination practices.

To book Nicola for your podcast, please contact Sean Makin at or call +44 (0)1573 229295 to learn more and schedule your interview.

Nicola Cameron stands out as a dynamic and forward-thinking leader in the business world and is currently the Commercial Director of Scotmas.

With an educational foundation in biological sciences from the prestigious University of Edinburgh, Nicola has seamlessly blended her scientific acumen with her passion for marketing and business development, resulting in a remarkable career trajectory since joining Scotmas in 2010.

Her tenure at Scotmas is marked by significant achievements, particularly in the Consumer Products division, where she has been a driving force behind its impressive growth. Under her leadership, this sector has consistently seen over 20% growth and net profit annually, a testament to her strategic vision and effective execution.

Commitment to Personal and Professional Development

Beyond her immediate professional responsibilities, Nicola is deeply committed to personal and professional development, as evidenced by her completion of the Scale Up Scotland Core programme in 2019, and now participating in Scale Up Scotland 2.0 for businesses with growth plans to achieve £100m+ revenues.

These programmes are designed for leaders of Scottish entrepreneurial growth companies and equips participants with the skills and knowledge to scale their businesses effectively. Her involvement in these programmes speaks volumes about her dedication to growth, innovation, and excellence in her field.

Nicola is reaping significant benefits from involvement with The Innovate UK Scaleup Programme. Being a part of this programme has given her access to a network of experienced mentors who have provided her valuable guidance and insights to scale Scotmas. This has helped her to refine business strategy, identify key growth opportunities, and develop a roadmap to achieve Scotmas’ goals.

In addition, the programme has allowed Nicola to connect with other entrepreneurs every month, allowing her to build valuable relationships and partnerships. Through her involvement in the programme, Nicola has gained the necessary skills and knowledge to take her business and others to the next level and achieve long-term success.

Inspirational Podcast Guest

Nicola’s LinkedIn profile, accessible at, provides a glimpse into her professional journey and accomplishments. However, it is her in-person insights, experiences, and visionary outlook that make Nicola Cameron an ideal guest for podcast interviews. Her story is not just one of individual success but a narrative that can inspire, guide, and influence a wide audience, from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned business professionals.

Nicola is based in the heart of the Scottish Borders, where she lives and works alongside her husband, Alistair, and her young family. Nicola’s unwavering commitment to building a brighter future for herself and those around her is truly inspiring.

Inviting Nicola to share her journey, insights, and expertise on a podcast would undoubtedly offer valuable perspectives on leadership, growth strategies, and the power of combining scientific knowledge with business acumen.


Nicola is comfortable to talk about many topics including.

  • The role of effective leadership in driving significant growth
  • The importance of empowering and advancing women in leadership positions
  • Nicola’s professional journey and how it can inspire and guide aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business professionals
  • How leaders of entrepreneurial growth companies can scale their businesses effectively, drawing on Nicola’s experience and insights.

Book Nicola For Your Podcast

Nicola’s knowledge and years of entrepreneurial and business development experience make her an exceptional candidate for discussing a wide range of captivating topics that can engage your audience.

Nicola will make your podcast stand out if you want to delve into the latest business developments, explore industry trends, or have an insightful conversation.

So why wait? Book Nicola for your podcast today and take your show to the next level.

Contact Sean Makin at or call +44 (0)1573 229295 to learn more and schedule your interview.